
Peanut Butter Flavor and Types

According to different tastes, peanut butter is divided into two types, sweet and salty. It is a food with considerable nutritional value and is widely used in western food. Generally divided into two types of creamy and crunchy, crunchy peanut butter are made by adding peanut granules to the prepared peanut butter to increase its taste. In addition, honey and chocolate are also added to make different flavors.
Peanut is currently an ideal source of high-protein, high-fat nutritional foods. It contains a large amount of protein, fat, and various mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. Various nutritional components are relatively comprehensive and relatively balanced. In addition, peanuts and their products are rich in plant-active substances such as unsaturated fatty acids, plant sterols, resveratrol, vitamin E and vitamin C, and folic acid, which are very beneficial to promoting health and preventing diseases.
Peanuts can be eaten directly after being prepared by simple processing such as frying and roasting. Peanut butter produced by pressing and grinding processes more reflects its excellent table-serving characteristics. Its color is yellow-brown, its texture is delicate and delicious, which is inherent to peanuts. The rich aroma, and rich in nutrients such as fat, protein, vitamins and minerals, make peanut butter a nutritious and unique flavor of food and condiments. After the peanut in solid form becomes peanut butter in a fluid state, its application range has been greatly expanded, and its consumption has increased rapidly, but its nutritional composition has not changed significantly. Peanut butter machine uses raw peanuts or roasted peanuts to make peanut butter. Compared with raw peanuts, the physical and chemical nutritional quality indicators have smaller changes. The nutritional value of peanut butter is equivalent to peanut kernels.
New type peanut butter is divided into low-fat, vitamin, high-protein peanut butter and other types of peanut butter. For food safety issues, the new peanut butter developed mainly is stable peanut butter.