News & Technicals

Peanut butter making machine colloid mill

Colloid mills are machines used to reduce the size of solid particles suspended in a liquid or to reduce the size of liquid droplets suspended in another liquid. Colloid mill works according to the principle of rotor-stator: the rotor rotates at high speed (2000-18000) rpm. The resulting high level of hydraulic shear applied to the process liquid disturbs the structure of the fluid. Colloid mills are often used to increase the stability of suspensions and emulsions, but can also be used to reduce the size of solid particles in suspensions. Higher shear rates result in smaller droplets, up to about 1 µm, which are more resistant to emulsion separation.

Colloid mills are used in the following industries:
Pharmacopoeia, Cosmetics, Spray paint, Soap, Textile, Paper, food.


Working Principle of Colloid Mill


Colloid mills are equipment for grinding fluids and semi-fluids. According to the requirements of the material to be processed, the relatively high-speed movement of the stator and rotor allows the material to undergo the complex effects of high shear forces, friction, and high-frequency vibration. This machine can be used for superfine crushing, dispersing,


Emulsification, homogenization, mixing, etc.


Special properties: (Select different types of colloid mills according to the materials.)


a. If colloid mill is used to produce emulsified asphalt or high viscosity materials, the electric power can be appropriately increased.


b. If a colloid mill is used to produce flammable and explosive materials or solvents, the motor must be explosion-proof.


c. If colloid mills are used to produce low-flow or high-viscosity materials, a large outlet can be selected.